Tuesday, August 26, 2008

At the airport

I’m finally sitting at Gate 177, waiting for my flights to Buenos Aires. 99% of things have gone as smoothly as I could’ve ever imagined, but as life always is, a few curved dodgeballs did come flying my way. (and yes, I got hit in the head.) Nonetheless, if this is any sign of whether or not this is the right thing to do, it’s been pretty much paving the red carpet for me.

Am I excited? That’s the question I got a lot in the past few days. I’ve been quite preoccupied with preparations and bidding farewells that I didn’t really have a chance to feel. I think I should feel excited but I can’t honestly say I am. It’s a mixture of everything. If excitement is the color orange, I am in the mood of color turquoise: calm yet odd, good or not depends on which side you’re looking at it. If this doesn’t make any sense may be because it’s not supposed to be.

So here I come Argentina!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We so know what you mean about the "excited" question. We've been so busy and stressed that we haven't had time to get excited. Our answer is usually, "ummm... i guess." :)

Good luck with getting all settled in!