Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is it the culture or something in the water?

Let's play a guessing game today. See the picture on the right (and I made this one a bit bigger this time), do you see what I see? uh yea, exactly... That was what I walked into this morning on my way out and it was absolutely hilarious! The funniest part was that the dog knew it wasn't supposed to be doing that because it jumped off the cat when it saw me watching. However, when I started to move away, it jumped right back into action and that went on a few times because I really wanted to snap a shot of this. Was I being a pervert?!

When I got home in the evening, I told the owner what I saw because the dog actually just arrived last night and I didn't know where it came from. He then showed me this youtube video that he shot. So, I guess what I witnessed was 'normal' for these two 'good friends' which are both the owner's family's pets. How adorable!! Man, my innocence just went right out the window from this morning incident...

Latin culture has always been known for being a passionate one. A kiss on the cheek when you greet and say goodbye to someone, doesn't matter which gender you are or whether or not you just met that person. There are LOTS of make out sessions on the streets, at doorways, on the bus, in semi dark corners. Singing, drumming and dancing to whatever they have their hearts for. Basically, they have no problem showing their love.

There is however one thing I don't know yet if it has anything to do with their hot-blooded nature, their values or just they are very accustomed to expressing their desires freely. When you pass by any news stand in the city, and they are pretty much in every corner, the magazines that would be flapping right in your face at the most prominent spots are with half naked women. I'm not talking the Maxim type, I'm talking about bare booties and bare titties. I'm not talking about one or two either but a whole wall of display, including DVDs and tapes too. I'm by no means a conservative person but the sight of it still made me go 'holy, that's a bit much don't you think?' It'll take me some time to figure out what that really says about the culture. May be I should ask the dog, she'll probably be able to shine some light on it.


Safari said...

So So, make sure that female dog doesn't learn about a strap-on.

On the other note, I think N. Americans are the prudest ever...

Duane Watson said...

Better yet, make sure the dog doesn't want to watch you to get tips, lol.