In the last couple of weeks that I've been in BsAs so far, the weather has been pondering around low to high teens, with nights hitting the single digits. While I did know that it's technically still winter here, I thought, nah I am used to the northern cold, this shouldn't be a problem, but it turned out my cold tolerance is way below average. So, after a hectic week and a I-need-to-paaar-tay weekend, my body gave in and I'm now under the weather. [cough cough]
I haven't had a cold for ages and this time I really needed to go to the drug store to find some relief. Went to one yesterday, spent 20 minutes looking around, saw the section but had absolutely no clue what the words on the boxes mean; especially when you had a woozy head, deciphering codes became an impossible task. So I left hoping I wasn't really gonna get sick.
And too bad for me. Woke up today, totally feeling it and I had a class and work ahead of me. Just fabulous! So this time, I found out how to say 'I have a cold (resfrío)' before I go to one again. After some more effort of trying to understand what each of the boxes say (btw, they don't have the same brands here at all). I had to finally resort to asking someone, and very intelligently I asked the pharmacist (why didn't I think of that yesterday?!). She pointed me to this box in the picture. Nothing on it mentions the word 'resfrío'...mmm, may be it's better to trust someone than myself this time, and it does have the picture of a person with 'inflamed' orange color marking all the problematic areas...not bad not bad. I'm gonna take it and hope it does what it does.
Foreshadow - I did move into my new GORGEOUS home! I really can't wait to talk about it but I do need a bit more time to get my room in order so I can snap a good shot of it to show off. eheh
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